SQLite format 3@  \ -m 1#*O @11+tableMapleNetPropertiesMapleNetPropertiesCREATE TABLE `MapleNetProperties` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `elisiondigitsbefore` INTEGER, `labelling` INTEGER, `indentamount` INTEGER, `elisiontermsthreshold` TEXT, `ansi` INTEGER, `errorbreak` INTEGER, `useclientjvm` INTEGER, `echo` INTEGER, `imaginaryunit` TEXT, `labelwidth` INTEGER, `plotdriver` TEXT, `elisiondigitsafter` INTEGER, `plotoutput` TEXT, `rtablesize` INTEGER, `elisiontermsbefore` INTEGER, `elisiondigitsthreshold` TEXT, `typesetting` TEXT, `plotdevice` TEXT, `verboseproc` INTEGER, `showassumed` INTEGER, `errorcursor` INTEGER, `longdelim` INTEGER, `plotoptions` TEXT, `quiet` INTEGER, `elisiontermsafter` INTEGER, `screenwidth` INTEGER, `preplot` TEXT, `prettyprint` INTEGER, `displayprecision` INTEGER, `warnlevel` INTEGER, `screenheight` INTEGER, `latexwidth` TEXT, `postplot` TEXT, `prompt` TEXT, `showlabels` INTEGER, `contextmenusize` TEXT, `helpbrowser` TEXT, `screenpixelheight` INTEGER, `unitattributes` TEXT, `worksheetdir` TEXT, `termelisionthreshold` INTEGER, `elisionthreshold` INTEGER, `proxyserver` TEXT)PtableHideHideCREATE TABLE `Hide` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `name` TEXT)))GtableViewPropertiesViewPropertiesCREATE TABLE `ViewProperties` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `presentation` INTEGER, `autoexpanding_sections` INTEGER, `assignment` INTEGER, `userprofilename` TEXT, `numericformat_applyinteger` INTEGER, `numericformat_applyrational` INTEGER, `numericformat_applyexponent` INTEGER, `numericformat_outputmask` TEXT, `numericformat_defaultunitformat` TEXT)x##7tableLabelSchemeLabelSchemeCREATE TABLE `LabelScheme` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `value` INTEGER, `prefix` TEXT)}QtableVersionVersionCREATE TABLE `Version` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `major` INTEGER, `minor` INTEGER, `mpldoc` TEXT) 559tableWorkbookExplorerTreeWorkbookExplorerTreeCREATE TABLE `WorkbookExplorerTree` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `parentid` INTEGER NOT NULL, `name` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "", `expanded` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `hidden` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)P ++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq) ''QtableWorkbookModelWorkbookModel CREATE TABLE `WorkbookModel` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `model_type` INTEGER NOT NULL, `parentid` INTEGER DEFAULT -1, `workbookid` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `documentid` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `position` INTEGER DEFAULT -1): CC{tableMapleLibraryObjectReferenceMapleLibraryObjectReference CREATE TABLE `MapleLibraryObjectReference` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `timestamp` INTEGER, `size` INTEGER, `dotm` TEXT)! %%tableMapleLibraryMapleLibrary CREATE TABLE `MapleLibrary` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `name` TEXT UNIQUE, `timestamp` INTEGER, `size` INTEGER, `dotm` TEXT)7 K%indexsqlite_autoindex_MapleLibrary_1MapleLibrary )!!tableDirtyModelDirtyModelCREATE TABLE `DirtyModel` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `modelid` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `dirtyid` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE(modelId, dirtyId))3G!indexsqlite_autoindex_DirtyModel_1DirtyModel ))QtableModelPathCacheModelPathCacheCREATE TABLE `ModelPathCache` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `modelid` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `path` TEXT)p//tableOpenWorkbookModelOpenWorkbookModelCREATE TABLE `OpenWorkbookModel` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `modelid` INTEGER DEFAULT 0 UNIQUE, `delete` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `timestamp` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `size` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `path` TEXT)AU/indexsqlite_autoindex_OpenWorkbookModel_1OpenWorkbookModel{''5tableModelContentsModelContentsCREATE TABLE `ModelContents` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `md5` TEXT, `contents` TEXT)n))tableFileAttributesFileAttributesCREATE TABLE `FileAttributes` (`name` TEXT PRIMARY KEY, `value` TEXT);O)indexsqlite_autoindex_File`]UVJM;C(4#  priority0readonlyfalse   readonly priority ~a[E-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4242F'/F9Q%4243F'aZE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4242F'/F9Q%4243F'}Y}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"hF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%4240F'/F>Q%4241F'}X}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"hF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%4240F'/F>Q%4241F'}W}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"gF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%4238F'/F>Q%4239F'}V}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"gF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%4238F'/F>Q%4239F'aUE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4236F'/F9Q%4237F'aTE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4236F'/F9Q%4237F'aSE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4234F'/F9Q%4235F'aRE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4234F'/F9Q%4235F'aQE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4232F'/F9Q%4233F'aPE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4232F'/F9Q%4233F'aOE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4230F'/F9Q%4231F'aNE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%4230F'/F9Q%4231F'xMs-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6(Q"gF'/%%sizeGQ#18F'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%0font_style_nameGQ*Heading~1F'/F6Q'normalF'/F9Q%4228F'/F  =  <  ;  :  9  8  7  6  5   4   3  } 2  { 1  y 0  w /  u .  s -  q ,  o +  m *  k )  i (  g '  e &  c %  a $  _ #  ] "  [ ! 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EqDXCtableTextFieldTextFieldHCREATE TABLE `TextField` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `style` TEXT, `layout` TEXT, `superscript` INTEGER, `placeholder` INTEGER, `executable` INTEGER, `selection_placeholder` INTEGER, `italic` INTEGER, `size` INTEGER, `bold` INTEGER, `subscript` INTEGER, `familyXCtableTextFieldTextFieldHCREATE TABLE `TextField` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `style` TEXT, `layout` TEXT, `superscript` INTEGER, `placeholder` INTEGER, `executable` INTEGER, `selection_placeholder` INTEGER, `italic` INTEGER, `size` INTEGER, `bold` INTEGER, `subscript` INTEGER, `family` TEXT, `opaque` INTEGER, `underline` INTEGER, `background` TEXT, `readonly` INTEGER, `foreground` TEXT, `alignment` TEXT, `firstindent` INTEGER, `spacebelow` INTEGER, `leftmargin` INTEGER, `linespacing` TEXT, `initial` INTEGER, `linebreak` TEXT, `rightmargin` INTEGER, `bulletsuffix` TEXT, `spaceabove` INTEGER, `bullet` TEXT, `pagebreak_before` INTEGER, `prompt` TEXT, `bookmark` TEXT, `font_style_name` TEXT, `layout_style_name` TEXT)%BtableTableCellTableCellGCREATE TABLE `TableCell` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `columnspan` INTEGER, `backgroundstyle` INTEGER, `rowspan` INTEGER, `fillcolor` TEXT, `padding` INTEGER, `bold` INTEGER, `underline` INTEGER, `size` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `foreground` TEXT, `family` TEXT)?tableTableTableDCREATE TABLE `Table` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `alignment` TEXT, `showinput` INTEGER, `interior` TEXT, `order` TEXT, `exterior` TEXT, `width` TEXT, `randomized` INTEGER, `showlabel` INTEGER, `postexecute` TEXT, `pagebreak` TEXT, `showgroup` INTEGER, `labelreference` TEXT, `captionalignment` INTEGER, `title` TEXT, `drawtitle` INTEGER, `drawcaption` INTEGER, `captionposition` INTEGER, `plotalignlists` TEXT, `size` INTEGER, `hiddenborderdisplay` TEXT, `table_number` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER)a>)tableRowRowCCREATE TABLE `Row` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `row` INTEGER, `height` INTEGER)l=3tableColumnColumnBCREATE TABLE `Column` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `column` INTEGER, `width` INTEGER)~<_tableCellCellACREATE TABLE `Cell` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `row` INTEGER, `column` INTEGER, `input` TEXT, `stale` INTEGER, `alignment` TEXT, `background` TEXT, `calculation_precision` INTEGER, `display_precision` INTEGER, `evaluation_type` TEXT)f;##tableSpreadsheetSpreadsheet@CREATE TABLE `Spreadsheet` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `height` INTEGER, `width` INTEGER, `alignment` TEXT, `background` TEXT, `columns` INTEGER, `evaluation_type` TEXT, `show_headers` INTEGER, `name` TEXT, `calculation_precision` INTEGER, `display_precision` INTEGER, `rows` INTEGER, `scroll_x` INTEGER, `scroll_y` INTEGER)|:%%;tableTaskVariableTaskVariable?CREATE TABLE `TaskVariable` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `name` TEXT, `description` TEXT)y9!!=tableAnnotationAnnotation>CREATE TABLE `Annotation` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `tag_id` INTEGER, `number` INTEGER) 833=tableAnnotationAttributeAnnotationAttribute=CREATE TABLE `AnnotationAttribute` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `name` TEXT, `value` TEXT)7''MtableAnnotationTagAnnotationTag  "  ' [255,255,255]  ' [255,255,255]  ' [255,255,255]  ' [255,255,255]  ' [255,255,255]  ' [255,255,255]y  ' [255,255,255]r  ' [255,255,255]l  ' [255,255,255]  ' [255,255,255]z  ' [255,255,255]s  ' [255,255,255]l  ' [255,255,255]f  ' [255,255,255]_  ' [255,255,255]W  ' [255,255,255]P  ' [255,255,255]J  ' [255,255,255]K l 4 T  t <  ] % } E f.Nn6Vv>q9Y!yA 5["#Maple InputNormal> 5W"#Maple InputNormal> 5S"#Maple InputNormal> 5O"#Maple InputNormal> 5K"#Maple InputNormal> 5G"#Maple InputNormal> 5C"#Maple InputNormal> 5@"#Maple InputNormal> 5<"#Maple InputNormal> 59"#Maple InputNormal> 55"#Maple InputNormal> 51"#Maple InputNormal> 5-"#Maple InputNormal> ,&"TextNormal,"TextNormal4"Heading 1Heading 15"#Maple InputNormal> 5"#Maple InputNormal> 5"#Maple InputNormal> 5 "#Maple InputNormal> 5"#Maple InputNormal> 5"#Maple InputNormal> 5"#Maple InputNormal> 5{"#Maple InputNormal> 5w"#Maple InputNormal> 5s"#Maple InputNormal> 5o"#Maple 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OKNJ##ctableECDialFloatECDialFloatPCREATE TABLE `ECDialFloat` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `anglerange` INTEGER, `lower_bound` REAL, `upper_bound` REAL, `control_posMtableECListECListSCREATE TABLE `ECList` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `selecteditem` TEXT, `tooltip` TEXT, `selectmultiple` INTEGER, `selecteditemlist` TEXT, `items` TEXT, `fillcolor` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT, `selected_indices` TEXT)vI!!7tableECComboBoxECComboBoxOCREATE TABLE `ECComboBox` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `tooltip` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `selecteditem` TEXT, `items` TEXT, `fillcolor` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT, `selected_indices` TEXT)0H%%#tableECCodeEditorECCodeEditorNCREATE TABLE `ECCodeEditor` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `visible` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `code_language` TEXT, `autoexpand` INTEGER, `wrapping` INTEGER, `code_line_numbers` INTEGER, `show_border` INTEGER, `expanded` INTEGER)=GUtableECCodeECCodeMCREATE TABLE `ECCode` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `contents` TEXT, `visible` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `autoexpand` INTEGER)'F!!tableECCheckBoxECCheckBoxLCREATE TABLE `ECCheckBox` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `groupname` TEXT, `caption` TEXT, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `selected` INTEGER, `user_size` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `image_reference` INTEGER, `imagefilename` TEXT, `selected_image_reference` INTEGER, `selectedimagefilename` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT, `fillcolor` TEXT)>EOtableECButtonECButtonKCREATE TABLE `ECButton` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `caption` TEXT, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_border` INTEGER, `user_size` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `image_reference` INTEGER, `imagefilename` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT)UD}tableBookmarkBookmarkICREATE TABLE `Bookmark` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `style` TEXT, `layout` TEXT, `superscript` INTEGER, `placeholder` INTEGER, `executable` INTEGER, `selection_placeholder` INTEGER, `italic` INTEGER, `size` INTEGER, `bold` INTEGER, `subscript` INTEGER, `family` TEXT, `opaque` INTEGER, `underline` INTEGER, `background` TEXT, `readonly` INTEGER, `foreground` TEXT, `alignment` TEXT, `firstindent` INTEGER, `spacebelow` INTEGER, `leftmargin` INTEGER, `linespacing` TEXT, `initial` INTEGER, `linebreak` TEXT, `rightmargin` INTEGER, `bulletsuffix` TEXT, `spaceabove` INTEGER, `bullet` TEXT, `pagebreak_before` INTEGER, `prompt` TEXT, `bookmark` TEXT, `font_style_name` TEXT, `layout_style_name` TEXT)tablmL1tableECLabelECLabelRCREATE TABLE `ECLabel` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `caption` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `visiblecharacterwidth` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `user_size` INTEGER, `user_width` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `image_reference` INTEGER, `imagefilename` TEXT, `fillcolor` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT)WK}tableECDialIntECDialIntQCREATE TABLE `ECDialInt` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `anglerange` INTEGER, `lower_bound` INTEGER, `upper_bound` INTEGER, `control_position` INTEGER, `major_tick_spacing` INTEGER, `minor_ticks` INTEGER, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `startangle` INTEGER, `image_reference` INTEGER)NJ##ctableECDialFloatECDialFloatPCREATE TABLE `ECDialFloat` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `anglerange` INTEGER, `lower_bound` REAL, `upper_bound` REAL, `control_position` REAL, `major_tick_spacing` REAL, `minor_ticks` REAL, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `startangle` INTEGER, `image_reference` INTEGER)           Z7\a E TyS''1tableECRadioButtonECRadioButtonZCREATE TABLE `ECRadioButton` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `groupname` TEXT, `caption` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `selected` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `fillcolor` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT)URtableECPlotECPlotYCREATE TABLE `ECPlot` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `visible` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `continuous` INTEGER, `delay` INTEGER, `clickx` REAL, `clicky` REAL, `startx` REAL, `starty` REAL, `endx` REAL, `endy` REAL, `clickdefault` INTEGER, `labelreference` TEXT, `drawcaption` INTEGER, `captionposition` INTEGER, `captionalignment` INTEGER, `show_border` INTEGER, `value` TEXT, `tooltip` TEXT, `legendvisibility` INTEGER, `hoverx` REAL, `hovery` REAL, `fillcolor` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT, `frame` INTEGER DEFAULT 1, `frame_count` INTEGER)XQ%%stableECMicrophoneECMicrophoneXCREATE TABLE `ECMicrophone` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `samplerate` INTEGER, `stereo` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `audiodevice` TEXT)P!!qtableECMeterIntECMeterIntWCREATE TABLE `ECMeterInt` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `lower_bound` INTEGER, `upper_bound` INTEGER, `control_position` INTEGER, `major_tick_spacing` INTEGER, `minor_ticks` INTEGER, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT) O%%WtableECMeterFloatECMeterFloatVCREATE TABLE `ECMeterFloat` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `lower_bound` REAL, `upper_bound` REAL, `control_position` REAL, `major_tick_spacing` REAL, `minor_ticks` REAL, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT)hN++tableECMathContainerECMathContainerTCREATE TABLE `ECMathContainer` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_border` INTEGER, `autofit` INTEGER, `reference` INTEGER, `expression` TEXT, `editable` INTEGER, `minimum_pixel_width` INTEGER, `minimum_pixel_height` INTEGER, `fillcolor` TEXT)tableEXeW!!tableECShortcutECShortcut^CREATE TABLE `ECShortcut` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `caption` TEXT, `tooltip` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `visiblecharacterwidth` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `user_size` INTEGER, `user_width` INTEGER, `linktarget` TEXT, `image_reference` INTEGER, `imagefilename` TEXT)qV++tableECRTableBrowserECRTableBrowser]CREATE TABLE `ECRTableBrowser` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visiblerows` INTEGER, `visiblecolumns` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `editable` INTEGER, `variable` TEXT, `columnnames` TEXT, `rownames` TEXT, `rowheader` INTEGER, `columnheader` INTEGER, `handle` TEXT, `columnwidths` TEXT, `tooltip` TEXT)%U--}tableECRotaryGaugeIntECRotaryGaugeInt\CREATE TABLE `ECRotaryGaugeInt` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `lower_bound` INTEGER, `upper_bound` INTEGER, `control_position` INTEGER, `major_tick_spacing` INTEGER, `minor_ticks` INTEGER, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT)T11ctableECRotaryGaugeFloatECRotaryGaugeFloat[CREATE TABLE `ECRotaryGaugeFloat` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `lower_bound` REAL, `upper_bound` REAL, `control_position` REAL, `major_tick_spacing` REAL, `minor_ticks` REAL, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT)           P } .P 55ba55?tableTableOfContentsEntryTableOfContentsEntryiCREATE TABLE `TableOfContentsEntry` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `reference` INTEGER, `topic` TEXT, `browser` TEXT, `aliases` TEXT, `category` TEXT, `active` INTEGER, `priority` INTEGER, `language` TEXT, `product` TEXT)q`1tableMapleCodeMapleCodehCREATE TABLE `MapleCode` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `action` TEXT, `time` INTEGER)%_--}tableECVolumeGaugeIntECVolumeGaugeIntgCREATE TABLE `ECVolumeGaugeInt` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `lower_bound` INTEGER, `upper_bound` INTEGER, `control_position` INTEGER, `major_tick_spacing` INTEGER, `minor_ticks` INTEGER, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT)^11ctableECVolumeGaugeFloatECVolumeGaugeFloatfCREATE TABLE `ECVolumeGaugeFloat` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `lower_bound` REAL, `upper_bound` REAL, `control_position` REAL, `major_tick_spacing` REAL, `minor_ticks` REAL, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT)2]''#tableECVideoPlayerECVideoPlayereCREATE TABLE `ECVideoPlayer` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `file` TEXT, `default_dimensions` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `loop` INTEGER, `start_index` INTEGER, `stop_index` INTEGER, `hide_controls` INTEGER, `show_controls` INTEGER)&\))tableECToggleButtonECToggleButtondCREATE TABLE `ECToggleButton` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `groupname` TEXT, `caption` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `selected` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `show_border` INTEGER, `user_size` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `image_reference` INTEGER, `imagefilename` TEXT, `selected_image_reference` INTEGER, `selectedimagefilename` TEXT)V[!!wtableECTextAreaECTextAreacCREATE TABLE `ECTextArea` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `visiblecharacterwidth` INTEGER, `visiblerows` INTEGER, `contents` TEXT, `editable` INTEGER, `wrapping` INTEGER, `show_border` INTEGER, `password` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `fillcolor` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT)sZ5tableECSpeakerECSpeakerbCREATE TABLE `ECSpeaker` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `samplerate` INTEGER, `stereo` INTEGER, `volume` INTEGER, `mute` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `speakerdevice` TEXT)Y##etableECSliderIntECSliderIntaCREATE TABLE `ECSliderInt` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `lower_bound` INTEGER, `upper_bound` INTEGER, `control_position` INTEGER, `major_tick_spacing` INTEGER, `minor_ticks` INTEGER, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `filled` INTEGER, `orientation` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `snap_to_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `fillcolor` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT)X''KtableECSliderFloatECSliderFloat_CREATE TABLE `ECSliderFloat` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `lower_bound` REAL, `upper_bound` REAL, `control_position` REAL, `major_tick_spacing` REAL, `minor_ticks` REAL, `inputenabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `filled` INTEGER, `orientation` INTEGER, `show_labels` INTEGER, `show_ticks` INTEGER, `snap_to_ticks` INTEGER, `continuous_update` INTEGER, `tooltip` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `fillcolor` TEXT, `fontcolor` TEXT)eW!!tableECShortcutECShortcut^CREATE TABLE `ECShortcut` (pkid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `id` TEXT, `caption` TEXT, `tooltip` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER, `visible` INTEGER, `visiblecharacterwidth` INTEGER, `pixel_width` INTEGER, `pixel_height` INTEGER, `user_size` INTEGER, `user_width` INTEGER, `linktarget` TEXT, `image_reference` INTEGER, `imagefilename` TEXT)           "  BOOLEANreadonly0library"  INTEGERpriority0library* ! 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piecewise(And(x>=0, x<=1), c2*x, 0);%ZOplot([f(x), 2*x], x=-0.2 .. 1.2);"VICDF(X, t^2) assuming t>0, t<1;+R[Probability(X < t^2) assuming t>0, t<1;0NePDF(Triangular(0,1,1), t) assuming t>0, t<1;*JYPDF(sqrt(X), t) assuming t > 0, t < 1;&FQX := RandomVariable(Uniform(0,1));B?plot([f,g], -0.2 .. 1.2); > better)<WLet's make it more efficient: choose -5_plots:-display(hh, r1, transparency=0.5);,1]hh := Histogram(samplePoints[accepted]);=-}r1 := plots:-display( myPointPlot(samplePoints[rejected], yCoordinates[rejected], red, "rejected"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[accepted], yCoordinates[accepted], green, "accepted"));)-myPointPlot := proc( xvalues :: {list, rtable}, yvalues :: {list, rtable}, color, label :: {name, string}, $) Statistics:-PointPlot(yvalues, ':-xcoords' = convert(xvalues, 'list'), ':-color' = color, ':-symbolsize' = 1, ':-legend' = label); end proc;"'Accept/Reject  PDF? custom%OHow do I generate samples from a ,]p1 := plot(f, -0.2 .. 1.2, thickness=3);W 1### Student exercise: determine c so that f is a probability distribution function f(x);;{f := x -> piecewise(And(x>=0, x<=1), c*x^2*(4/3-x), 0);Cz plot([PDF(H, t), PDF(H2, t)], t=150..190, legend=['H', 'H2']);8suH2 := 153 + RandomVariable(BetaDistribution(5,2))*31(lUH := RandomVariable(Normal(175, 5));)hWHow do I generate samples from a PDF?b^Gheights2 := [176, 176, 175, 178, 180, 167, 177, 173, 185, 175, 173, 172, 182, 176, 187, 182, 185, 179, 174, 173, 176, 176, 177, 177, 169, 185, 179, 181, 178, 185, 176, 178, 176, 174, 174, 174, 167, 169, 176, 182, 178, 181, 176, 172, 182, 181, 176, 175, 177, 169, 177, 169, 178, 184, 185, 182, 168, 180, 183, 170, 173, 173, 171, 178, 179, 185, 182, 170, 173, 164, 177, 183, 174, 174, 179, 182, 173, 182, 182, 172, 177, 161, 182, 171, 172, 177, 173, 173, 170, 184, 176, 172, 181, 174, 180, 175, 175, 173, 175, 170, 187, 172, 170, 183, 182, 180, 175, 183, 173, 177, 175, 180, 177, 176, 180, 177, 169, 188, 180, 176, 174, 180, 174, 173, 172, 183, 185, 165, 179, 176, 176, 183, 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176, 171, 180, 179, 176, 169, 171, 174, 182, 171, 173, 180, 179, 176, 170, 185, 172, 181, 177, 170, 165, 179, 182, 185, 175, 164, 177, 171, 181, 176, 184, 183, 175, 174, 175, 174, 171, 170, 177, 173, 174, 176, 173, 171, 173, 180, 182, 178, 168, 166, 175, 175, 182, 172, 181, 176, 181, 177, 180, 184, 176, 170, 174, 180, 171, 172, 169, 176];tWkheights := [170, 173, 172, 176, 175, 184, 167, 183, 176, 180, 176, 168, 175, 175, 175, 174, 176, 175, 175, 174] NkE p P D  o m A 5 " x 3wT6fEiE wX@$Z0Y`cLIcolors := [seq(ColorTools:-Color("HSV", [(i+2)*(1/8), .9, .9]), i = 1 .. nops(boundaries)-1)];HCplot([f,g,h], -0.2 .. 1.2);SD)h := unapply(piecewise( x <= boundaries[1], 0, x <= boundaries[2], tangents[1](x), x <= boundaries[3], tangents[2](x), x <= boundaries[4], chords[3](x), x <= boundaries[5], chords[4](x), 0), x);S@)g := unapply(piecewise( x <= boundaries[1], 0, x <= boundaries[2], chords[1](x), x <= boundaries[3], chords[2](x), x <= boundaries[4], tangents[2](x), x <= boundaries[5], tangents[3](x), 0), x);'<Splot([f, op(chords)], -0.2 .. 1.2);E8 chords := zip(makechord, boundaries[ .. -2], boundaries[2 .. ]);-4_boundaries[1 .. -2], boundaries[2 .. -1];@0boundaries := sort([op(tangentpoints), op(intersections)]);g,Qintersections := [solve(tangents[1](x) = tangents[2](x)), solve(tangents[2](x) = tangents[3](x))];)(Wplot([f, op(tangents)], -0.2 .. 1.2);6$qtangents := map2(maketangent, f01, tangentpoints);! Gtangentpoints := [0, 4/9, 1];7solve(fdouble(x), x);7fdouble := D(fprime);/fprime := D(f01);=f01 := unapply(f01x, x);# Kf01x := f(x) assuming x>0, x<1;!upperbound!lowerbound yconcaveq!lowerboundk!upperbound econvex ]tangent Vchord,A]plot([-exp(x),ln(x), sqrt(x)], x=-2..2);!=Gplot([x^2, exp(x)], x=-2..2);)9W if its second derivative is negative 8concave/6c if its second derivative is positive and 5convex-3_A sufficiently "nice" function is called 0/eplot([f, maketangent(f, 1/2)], -0.2 .. 1.2);+Aplot([f, %], -0.2 .. 1.2);'3maketangent(f, 1/5)F#maketangent := (f, x0) -> unapply(D(f)(x0) * (x - x0) + f(x0), x)' is the line  at / to the graph of tangentThe 9plots:-display(%, fp);;plot(ccc, 1/10 .. 4/5); Eccc := makechord(1/10, 4/5);n_makechord := (x0, x1) -> unapply(CurveFitting:-PolynomialInterpolation([[x0, f(x0)], [x1, f(x1)]], x), x)Hplots:-display(fp, plottools:-line([1/10, f(1/10)], [4/5, f(4/5)]))Bplots:-display(fp, plottools:-line([0, f(0)], [1/2, f(1/2)])) z and /xc is the line segment connecting the points v and t! between r+ of a graph of qchordoThe kCfp := plot(f, -0.2 .. 1.2);g% even better e and )cWLet's make it more efficient: choose \-nops(probation);X+nops(accepted); Tplots:-display( myPointPlot(samplePoints[accepted], yCoordinates[accepted], green, "accepted"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[probation], yCoordinates[probation], blue, "probation"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[rejected], yCoordinates[rejected], red, "rejected"));_PAprobation, rejected := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < f(samplePoints[i]), probation):aLEaccepted, probation := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < h(samplePoints[i]), [seq(1..N)]):HCplot([f,g,h], -0.2 .. 1.2); Dh(x);d=K### Student exercise: determine c3 so that h is tangent to f somewhere strictly between 0 and 1=6h := x -> piecewise(And(x>=0, x<=1), 12/7 + c3*(x-1), 0); 2f(1);.?plot([f,g], -0.2 .. 1.2);;){ to pre-screen for values that are certainly less than '7Use a lowerbound for x!s that is expensive: you may not have an explicit formula for it, just some program that computes a value for given #KIn many cases, it's evaluating 3kLet's make it more efficient: add pre-screening&QHistogram(samplePoints[accepted]); +nops(accepted);7qplots:-display( myPointPlot(samplePoints[accepted], yCoordinates[accepted], green, "accepted"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[rejected], yCoordinates[rejected], red, "rejected"));bGaccepted, rejected := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < f(samplePoints[i]), [seq(1 .. N)]): #[3 : / R3>_SEeQ.UV-acceptedX, acceptedY := op(map[3](map, `?[]`, generator:-accepted, [[1], [2]]));/Rcto N do generator:-generateValue(); end do: NEgenerator:-setup(f01, 0, 1);J generator := module() local dispatcher, f, fprime, uniform01, createInterval, splitInterval, generateChords, generateTangents, resetDispatcher; export intervals, accepted, probation, rejected, setup, generateValue; uses ST = Statistics; generateChords := proc(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, ymiddle, yright) local x; return unapply(piecewise( x < xmiddle, ((x - xleft) * ymiddle + (xmiddle - x) * yleft) / (xmiddle - xleft), ((x - xmiddle) * yright + (xright - x) * ymiddle) / (xright - xmiddle)), x); end proc; generateTangents := proc(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight) vgFQhttp://www.mapleprimes.com/posts/96015-Generating-Samples-From-Custom-Probability-Distributions-IVsCiThis is certainly too complicated to explain in this session. The program that does it is shown here, though: ? online = and 4;mLet's make it more efficient: automate updating 44mnops(accepted), nops(probation), nops(rejected); 0plots:-display( myPointPlot(samplePoints[accepted], yCoordinates[accepted], green, "accepted"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[probation], yCoordinates[probation], blue, "probation"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[rejected], yCoordinates[rejected], red, "rejected"));_,Aprobation, rejected := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < f(samplePoints[i]), probation):a(Eaccepted, probation := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < h(samplePoints[i]), [seq(1..N)]):7$syCoordinates := gvalues *~ Sample(Uniform(0,1), N);$ Mgvalues := map(g, samplePoints);-_plots:-display(%, plot(g/areasum, 0..1));=Histogram(sampleValues);BsampleValues := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(2, op(sampleValues));U-sampleValues := zip((t, var) -> Sample(var, rhs(t)), tally, compositeVariables); =compositeVariables := [seq('`if`'(RandomVariable(Bernoulli(rectangleProbabilities[i])) < 1/2, triangleVariables[i], rectangleVariables[i]), i=1..nb-1)];eMrectangleVariables := [seq(RandomVariable(Uniform(boundaries[i], boundaries[i+1])), i=1..nb-1)];._triangleVariables := [seq(RandomVariable(Triangular(boundaries[i], boundaries[i+1], `if`(minvalues[i] = g(boundaries[i]), boundaries[i+1], boundaries[i]))), i=1..nb-1)];6qrectangleProbabilities := rectangleAreas /~ areas;I|rectangleAreas := minvalues *~ (boundaries[2..] - boundaries[..-2]);Vx/plots:-display( seq( plottools:-polygon([ [boundaries[i], minvalues[i]], [boundaries[i+1], minvalues[i]], [boundaries[i+1], g(boundaries[i+1])], [boundaries[i], g(boundaries[i])]], color=colors[i]), i = 1 .. nb - 1), seq( plottools:-polygon([ [boundaries[i], minvalues[i]], [boundaries[i+1], minvalues[i]], [boundaries[i+1], 0], [boundaries[i], 0]], color=darker[i]), i = 1 .. nb - 1)); .tadarker := map(ColorTools:-Darken, colors);Xp3minvalues := zip((b1, b2) -> min(g(b1), g(b2)), boundaries[..-2], boundaries[2..]);*lYtally := sort(Tally(pieces), key=lhs);&hQpieces := Sample(areaVariable, N);Ed areaVariable := RandomVariable(ProbabilityTable(probabilities));%`Oprobabilities := areas / areasum;"\Iareasum := add(a, a in areas);rXgareas := [seq((boundaries[i+1] - boundaries[i]) * (g(boundaries[i+1]) + g(boundaries[i]))/2, i = 1 .. nb-1)];T;nb := nops(boundaries);iPUplots:-display(seq( plottools:-polygon([ [boundaries[i], g(boundaries[i])], [boundaries[i+1], g(boundaries[i+1])], [boundaries[i+1], 0], [boundaries[i], 0]], color = colors[i]), i = 1 .. nops(boundaries)-1))w local x; return unapply(piecewise( x < xmiddle, yleft + derivativeLeft * (x - xleft), yright + derivativeRight * (x - xright)), x); end proc; setup := proc(ff :: appliable, a :: numeric, b :: numeric, $) local areas, fdoubleprime, i, lastpoint, derivativeLeft, pointTable, points, derivativeRight, xleft, xright, yleft, yright; if not a < b then error "invalid input, %1 expects its second argument, a, to be " "less than its third argument, but received %2 and %3", procname, a, b; end if; f := ff; fprime := D(f); fdoubleprime := D(fprime); uniform01 := ST:-Sample(ST:-RandomVariable(':-Uniform'(0, 1))); accepted, probation, rejected := Array(1..0), Array(1..0), Array(1..0); # Find all inflection points. We set them as keys in a table, # then gather them at the end. pointTable := table([b = 1]); lastpoint := a; while lastpoint <> FAIL and lastpoint < b do pointTable[lastpoint] := 1; lastpoint := RootFinding:-NextZero(fdoubleprime, lastpoint); end do; points := sort([indices(pointTable, ':-nolist')]); # Now set up the intervals in between these points. An # interval will be a record with these keys: # * xleft; the left boundary of the interval. # * xright; the right boundary of the interval. # * yleft, yright; the corresponding values of f. # * derivativeLeft, derivativeRight; the values of f' at xleft # and xright. # * lowerbound; a procedure that returns the lower bound for # points in this interval. # * upperbound; a procedure that returns the upper bound for # points in this interval. # * sample; a procedure that generates one sample value from # this interval. # * area; the total area under the upper curve defined for # this interval. intervals := Array(1 .. nops(points) - 1); xleft := points[1]; yleft := f(xleft); derivativeLeft := fprime(xleft); for i to nops(points) - 1 do xright := points[i+1]; yright := f(xright); derivativeRight := fprime(xright); intervals[i] := createInterval(xleft, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight); xleft := xright; yleft := yright; derivativeLeft := derivativeRight; end do; resetDispatcher(); return NULL; end proc; createInterval := proc(xleft, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight) local area, areas, generators, leftRectangleHeight, leftTriangleHeight, lowerbound, rightRectangleHeight, rightTriangleHeight, sample, selector, upperbound, xmiddle, ymiddle; # The intersection of the two tangents: xmiddle := (yright - yleft + derivativeLeft * xleft - derivativeRight * xright) / (derivativeLeft - derivativeRight); ymiddle := f(xmiddle); if ymiddle < ((xmiddle - xleft) * yright + (xright - xmiddle) * yleft) / (xright - xleft) then # Middle point is lower than chord: convex, so chords # define upper curve, tangents lower curve. lowerbound := generateTangents(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight); upperbound := generateChords(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, ymiddle, yright); else # Middle point is higher than chord: concave, so # tangents define upper curve, chords lower curve. lowerbound := generateChords(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, ymiddle, yright); upperbound := generateTangents(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight); # Instead of f at xmiddle, we use the intersection of # the tangents for ymiddle in the remainder of this # iteration: ymiddle := upperbound(xmiddle); end if; leftRectangleHeight := min(yleft, ymiddle); leftTriangleHeight := abs(yleft - ymiddle); rightRectangleHeight := min(ymiddle, yright); rightTriangleHeight := abs(yright - ymiddle); areas := [leftRectangleHeight * (xmiddle - xleft), leftTriangleHeight * (xmiddle - xleft)/2, rightRectangleHeight * (xright - xmiddle), rightTriangleHeight * (xright - xmiddle)/2]; generators := map(ST:-Sample @ ST:-RandomVariable, [ ':-Uniform'(xleft, xmiddle), ':-Triangular'( xleft, xmiddle, `if`(yleft > ymiddle, xleft, xmiddle)), ':-Uniform'(xmiddle, xright), ':-Triangular'( xmiddle, xright, `if`(ymiddle > yright, xmiddle, xright))]); selector := ST:-Sample(ST:-RandomVariable( ':-ProbabilityTable'(areas / add(x, x in areas)))); sample := proc() local i; i := trunc(selector(1)[1]); return generators[i](1)[1]; end proc; area := add(x, x in areas); return Record(':-xleft' = xleft, ':-xright' = xright, ':-yleft' = yleft, ':-yright' = yright, ':-derivativeLeft' = derivativeLeft, ':-derivativeRight' = derivativeRight, ':-lowerbound' = lowerbound, ':-upperbound' = upperbound, ':-sample' = sample, ':-area' = area); end proc; resetDispatcher := proc() local areas, i, sample; areas := [seq(i:-area, i in intervals)]; sample := ST:-Sample(ST:-RandomVariable(':-ProbabilityTable'( areas / add(x, x in areas)))); dispatcher := proc() return trunc(sample(1)[1]); end proc; end proc; generateValue := proc() local fx, i, interval, lowerbound, x, y; while true do i := dispatcher(); interval := intervals[i]; x := interval:-sample(); y := uniform01(1)[1] * interval:-upperbound(x); lowerbound := interval:-lowerbound(x); if y < lowerbound then accepted(rtable_num_elems(accepted) + 1) := [x, y]; return x; end if; fx := f(x); if y > fx or lowerbound < 0.9 * fx then splitInterval(i, x, fx); end if; if y < fx then probation(rtable_num_elems(probation) + 1) := [x, y]; return x; end if; rejected(rtable_num_elems(rejected) + 1) := [x, y]; end do; end proc; splitInterval := proc(i, x, fx) local xDerivative, oldInterval; xDerivative := fprime(x); oldInterval := intervals[i]; intervals[i] := createInterval( oldInterval:-xleft, x, oldInterval:-yleft, fx, oldInterval:-derivativeLeft, xDerivative); intervals(rtable_num_elems(intervals) + 1) := createInterval( x, oldInterval:-xright, fx, oldInterval:-yright, xDerivative, oldInterval:-derivativeRight); resetDispatcher(); end proc; end module: Mp #>Yta~E-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2418F'/F9Q%2417F'}}}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"hF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%2416F'/F>Q%2415F'}|}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"hF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%2416F'/F>Q%2415F'k{Y-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"gF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'F:F=kzY-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"gF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'F:F=ayE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2412F'/F9Q%2411F'axE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2412F'/F9Q%2411F'awE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2410F'/F9Q%2409F'avE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2410F'/F9Q%2409F'auE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2408F'/F9Q%2407F'atE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2408F'/F9Q%2407F'asE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2406F'/F9Q%2405F'arE-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6'Q"fF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2406F'/F9Q%2405F'fqO-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6(Q"gF'/%%sizeGQ#18F'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%0font_style_nameGQ*Heading~1F'/F6Q'normalF'F8F;fpO-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6(Q"gF'/%%sizeGQ#18F'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'/%0font_style_nameGQ*Heading~1F'/F6Q'normalF'F8F;f7generator:-intervals;=b}plots:-display( myPointPlot(acceptedX, acceptedY, green, "accepted"), myPointPlot(probationX, probationY, blue, "probation"), myPointPlot(rejectedX, rejectedY, red, "rejected"));U^-rejectedX, rejectedY := op(map[3](map, `?[]`, generator:-rejected, [[1], [2]]));XZ3probationX, probationY := op(map[3](map, `?[]`, generator:-probation, [[1], [2]]));  Q;jW-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I(mfencedGF$6&-F#6+-I%msubGF$6&-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'-F46'Q"1F'F7F:F=F@/%/subscriptshiftGQ"0F'/I+msemanticsGF$Q'atomicF'-I#moGF$6/Q",F'/F;Q'normalF'/F>Q%2424F'/FAQ%2423F'/%&fenceGQ&falseF'/%*separatorGF9/%)stretchyGFX/%*symmetricGFX/%(largeopGFX/%.movablelimitsGFX/%'accentGFX/%'lspaceGQ&0.0emF'/%'rspaceGQ,0.3333333emF'-FM6/Q"~F'FPFRFTFV/FZFXFenFgnFinF[oF]oF_o/FcoFao-F46'Q"fF'F7F:F=F@-F,6&-F#6'F0/%+executableGFXFP/F>Q%2426F'/FAQ%2425F'FPFRFTFapFPFcpFepFPFRFTFapFPFcpFepjW-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I(mfencedGF$6&-F#6+-I%msubGF$6&-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'-F46'Q"1F'F7F:F=F@/%/subscriptshiftGQ"0F'/I+msemanticsGF$Q'atomicF'-I#moGF$6/Q",F'/F;Q'normalF'/F>Q%2424F'/FAQ%2423F'/%&fenceGQ&falseF'/%*separatorGF9/%)stretchyGFX/%*symmetricGFX/%(largeopGFX/%.movablelimitsGFX/%'accentGFX/%'lspaceGQ&0.0emF'/%'rspaceGQ,0.3333333emF'-FM6/Q"~F'FPFRFTFV/FZFXFenFgnFinF[oF]oF_o/FcoFao-F46'Q"fF'F7F:F=F@-F,6&-F#6'F0/%+executableGFXFP/F>Q%2426F'/FAQ%2425F'FPFRFTFapFPFcpFepFPFRFTFapFPFcpFepP#-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I(mfencedGF$6&-F#6+-I%msubGF$6&-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'-F46'Q"0F'F7F:F=F@/%/subscriptshiftGFE/I+msemanticsGF$Q'atomicF'-I#moGF$6/Q",F'/F;Q'normalF'/F>Q%2424F'/FAQ%2423F'/%&fenceGQ&falseF'/%*separatorGF9/%)stretchyGFW/%*symmetricGFW/%(largeopGFW/%.movablelimitsGFW/%'accentGFW/%'lspaceGQ&0.0emF'/%'rspaceGQ,0.3333333emF'-FL6/Q"~F'FOFQFSFU/FYFWFZFfnFhnFjnF\oF^o/FboF`o-F46'Q"fF'F7F:F=F@-F,6&-F#6'F0/%+executableGFWFOFQFSFOFQFSF`pFOFQFSFOFQFSF`pFOFQFSP#-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I(mfencedGF$6&-F#6+-I%msubGF$6&-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'-F46'Q"0F'F7F:F=F@/%/subscriptshiftGFE/I+msemanticsGF$Q'atomicF'-I#moGF$6/Q",F'/F;Q'normalF'/F>Q%2424F'/FAQ%2423F'/%&fenceGQ&falseF'/%*separatorGF9/%)stretchyGFW/%*symmetricGFW/%(largeopGFW/%.movablelimitsGFW/%'accentGFW/%'lspaceGQ&0.0emF'/%'rspaceGQ,0.3333333emF'-FL6/Q"~F'FOFQFSFU/FYFWFZFfnFhnFjnF\oF^o/FboF`o-F46'Q"fF'F7F:F=F@-F,6&-F#6'F0/%+executableGFWFOFQFSFOFQFSF`pFOFQFSFOFQFSF`pFOFQFS0c-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I%msubGF$6&-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'-F/6'Q"1F'F2F5F8F;/%/subscriptshiftGQ"0F'/I+msemanticsGF$Q'atomicF'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F6Q'normalF'/F9Q%2422F'/FQ%2437F'}}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"hF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%2438F'/F>Q%2437F'}}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"gF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%2436F'/F>Q%2435F'}}-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6)-I#miGF$6)Q"gF'/%%boldGQ&falseF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%+executableGF4/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2414F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2413F'/%%sizeGQ#12F'F/F5/F8Q'normalF'/F;Q%2436F'/F>Q%2435F'%!G+Y-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I#miGF$6#Q!F'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/%,mathvariantGQ'normalF'/%*referenceGQ%2434F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2433F'B -I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'64-I#miGF$6'Q"yF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'-I#moGF$6/Q"~F'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2424F'/F9Q%2423F'/%&fenceGQ&falseF'/%*separatorGFG/%)stretchyGFG/%*symmetricGFG/%(largeopGFG/%.movablelimitsGFG/%'accentGFG/%'lspaceGQ&0.0emF'/%'rspaceGFV-F<6/Q"=F'F?FAFCFEFHFJFLFNFPFR/FUQ,0.2777778emF'/FXFgnF;-F,6'Q"DF'/F0FGF?FAFC-I(mfencedGF$6&-F#6'-F,6'Q"fF'F/F2F5F8/%+executableGFGF?/F6Q%2432F'/F9Q%2431F'F?FAFC-F^o6&-F#6'-I%msubGF$6&-F,6'Q"xF'F/F2F5F8-F,6'Q"0F'F/F2F5F8/%/subscriptshiftGFgp/I+msemanticsGF$Q'atomicF'FeoF?FgoFioF?FAFC-F<6/Q'⋅F'F?FAFCFEFHFJFLFNFPFRFTFW-F^o6&-F#6+FbpF;-F<6/Q*&uminus0;F'F?FAFCFEFHFJFLFNFPFR/FUQ,0.2222222emF'/FXFhqF;F_pFeoF?FgoFioF?FAFCF;-F<6/Q"+F'F?FAFCFEFHFJFLFNFPFRFgqFiqF;FboF[pFeoF?FgoFioB -I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'64-I#miGF$6'Q"yF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'-I#moGF$6/Q"~F'/F3Q'normalF'/F6Q%2424F'/F9Q%2423F'/%&fenceGQ&falseF'/%*separatorGFG/%)stretchyGFG/%*symmetricGFG/%(largeopGFG/%.movablelimitsGFG/%'accentGFG/%'lspaceGQ&0.0emF'/%'rspaceGFV-F<6/Q"=F'F?FAFCFEFHFJFLFNFPFR/FUQ,0.2777778emF'/FXFgnF;-F,6'Q"DF'/F0FGF?FAFC-I(mfencedGF$6&-F#6'-F,6'Q"fF'F/F2F5F8/%+executableGFGF?/F6Q%2432F'/F9Q%2431F'F?FAFC-F^o6&-F#6'-I%msubGF$6&-F,6'Q"xF'F/F2F5F8-F,6'Q"0F'F/F2F5F8/%/subscriptshiftGFgp/I+msemanticsGF$Q'atomicF'FeoF?FgoFioF?FAFC-F<6/Q'⋅F'F?FAFCFEFHFJFLFNFPFRFTFW-F^o6&-F#6+FbpF;-F<6/Q*&uminus0;F'F?FAFCFEFHFJFLFNFPFR/FUQ,0.2222222emF'/FXFhqF;F_pFeoF?FgoFioF?FAFCF;-F<6/Q"+F'F?FAFCFEFHFJFLFNFPFRFgqFiqF;FboF[pFeoF?FgoFio- ]-I%mrowG6#/I+modulenameG6"I,TypesettingGI(_syslibGF'6'-I%msubGF$6&-I#miGF$6'Q"xF'/%'italicGQ%trueF'/%,mathvariantGQ'italicF'/%*referenceGQ%2404F'/%2display_referenceGQ%2403F'-F/6'Q"0F'F2F5F8F;/%/subscriptshiftGF@/I+msemanticsGF$Q'atomicF'/%+executableGQ&falseF'/F6Q'normalF'/F9Q%2430F'/FX|^C&oZf,Y4o?3-7_yCoordinates := Sample(Uniform(0, 2), N);,3]samplePoints := Sample(Uniform(0,1), N);/%N := 3*10^4:+=plot([f,g], -0.2 ..1.2); 'g(x);-#_g := x -> piecewise(And(x>0, x<1), 2, 0);'Accept/Reject  PDF? custom%OHow do I generate samples from a %Oplots:-display(p1, Histogram(%));-Sample(X, 10^6); Mean(X);AX := RandomVariable(dist);"Idist := Distribution(PDF = f):,]p1 := plot(f, -0.2 .. 1.2, thickness=3);Wx1### Student exercise: determine c so that f is a probability distribution function qf(x);;m{f := x -> piecewise(And(x>=0, x<=1), c*x^2*(4/3-x), 0);7isplots:-display(%, DensityPlot(H2, range=154..186));eCHistogram(s, bincount=100);a9s := Sample(H2, 10^6);]%Skewness(H);Y9Skewness(H2, numeric);#UKStandardDeviation(H2, numeric);Q1Mean(H2, numeric);CM plot([PDF(H, t), PDF(H2, t)], t=150..190, legend=['H', 'H2']);I)Sample(H2, 5);8EuH2 := 153 + RandomVariable(BetaDistribution(5,2))*31A'Sample(H, 5);=!PDF(H, x);(9UH := RandomVariable(Normal(175, 5));)5WHow do I generate samples from a PDF?+9plots:-display(%, h3);'5plot(%, x=160..190);#;PDF(Normal(175, 5), x);-_plots:-display(h1, h3, transparency=0.5);:yh3 := Histogram(heights2, bincount=30, color=red): h3;-_plots:-display(h1, h2, transparency=0.5);<}h2 := Histogram(heights2, bincount=10, color=green): h2;bGheights2 := [176, 176, 175, 178, 180, 167, 177, 173, 185, 175, 173, 172, 182, 176, 187, 182, 185, 179, 174, 173, 176, 176, 177, 177, 169, 185, 179, 181, 178, 185, 176, 178, 176, 174, 174, 174, 167, 169, 176, 182, 178, 181, 176, 172, 182, 181, 176, 175, 177, 169, 177, 169, 178, 184, 185, 182, 168, 180, 183, 170, 173, 173, 171, 178, 179, 185, 182, 170, 173, 164, 177, 183, 174, 174, 179, 182, 173, 182, 182, 172, 177, 161, 182, 171, 172, 177, 173, 173, 170, 184, 176, 172, 181, 174, 180, 175, 175, 173, 175, 170, 187, 172, 170, 183, 182, 180, 175, 183, 173, 177, 175, 180, 177, 176, 180, 177, 169, 188, 180, 176, 174, 180, 174, 173, 172, 183, 185, 165, 179, 176, 176, 183, 179, 178, 178, 176, 166, 173, 176, 180, 173, 177, 177, 172, 180, 182, 171, 168, 178, 175, 181, 176, 173, 175, 178, 174, 180, 178, 189, 182, 167, 180, 175, 180, 178, 163, 168, 182, 167, 179, 182, 180, 185, 177, 168, 180, 182, 181, 179, 175, 174, 174, 173, 175, 173, 168, 168, 175, 171, 186, 177, 176, 172, 179, 172, 172, 180, 165, 181, 175, 169, 169, 176, 174, 179, 180, 177, 168, 165, 175, 184, 173, 171, 179, 179, 166, 173, 179, 171, 172, 183, 171, 164, 179, 179, 182, 174, 168, 178, 177, 175, 174, 170, 171, 180, 175, 171, 172, 176, 176, 174, 164, 169, 178, 171, 175, 173, 173, 171, 177, 180, 185, 164, 174, 174, 171, 170, 173, 179, 178, 179, 179, 173, 177, 174, 177, 176, 172, 180, 171, 173, 171, 180, 176, 181, 172, 170, 174, 182, 162, 176, 169, 163, 172, 184, 179, 175, 175, 183, 179, 178, 177, 174, 190, 179, 171, 175, 173, 184, 176, 174, 169, 180, 174, 179, 169, 170, 174, 177, 184, 175, 172, 180, 179, 176, 170, 170, 171, 172, 173, 171, 179, 177, 177, 174, 175, 177, 171, 176, 176, 178, 173, 176, 171, 180, 179, 176, 169, 171, 174, 182, 171, 173, 180, 179, 176, 170, 185, 172, 181, 177, 170, 165, 179, 182, 185, 175, 164, 177, 171, 181, 176, 184, 183, 175, 174, 175, 174, 171, 170, 177, 173, 174, 176, 173, 171, 173, 180, 182, 178, 168, 166, 175, 175, 182, 172, 181, 176, 181, 177, 180, 184, 176, 170, 174, 180, 171, 172, 169, 176];. ah1 := Histogram(heights, bincount=10): h1;5[min, max](heights);)Mean(heights);/with(Statistics):t{kheights := [170, 173, 172, 176, 175, 184, 167, 183, 176, 180, 176, 168, 175, 175, 175, 174, 176, 175, 175, 174]$wMThe probability density function$uMHow do you describe a data set? nErik Postma - epostma@maplesoft.com Manager of the mathematical software group / senior architect for mathematical software Jw`I0 o @  ` - }  } V .  qKvVJ usG;(~9}Z<lK/Xc if its second derivative is positive and Wconvex-U_A sufficiently "nice" function is called 0Qeplot([f, maketangent(f, 1/2)], -0.2 .. 1.2);MAplot([f, %], -0.2 .. 1.2);I3maketangent(f, 1/5)FEmaketangent := (f, x0) -> unapply(D(f)(x0) * (x - x0) + f(x0), x)@' is the line > at </ to the graph of ;tangent9The 59plots:-display(%, fp);1;plot(ccc, 1/10 .. 4/5); -Eccc := makechord(1/10, 4/5);n)_makechord := (x0, x1) -> unapply(CurveFitting:-PolynomialInterpolation([[x0, f(x0)], [x1, f(x1)]], x), x)H%plots:-display(fp, plottools:-line([1/10, f(1/10)], [4/5, f(4/5)]))B!plots:-display(fp, plottools:-line([0, f(0)], [1/2, f(1/2)]))  and /c is the line segment connecting the points  and ! between + of a graph of chordThe  Cfp := plot(f, -0.2 .. 1.2); % even better  and )WLet's make it more efficient: choose ~-nops(probation);z+nops(accepted); vplots:-display( myPointPlot(samplePoints[accepted], yCoordinates[accepted], green, "accepted"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[probation], yCoordinates[probation], blue, "probation"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[rejected], yCoordinates[rejected], red, "rejected"));_rAprobation, rejected := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < f(samplePoints[i]), probation):anEaccepted, probation := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < h(samplePoints[i]), [seq(1..N)]):jCplot([f,g,h], -0.2 .. 1.2); fh(x);d_K### Student exercise: determine c3 so that h is tangent to f somewhere strictly between 0 and 1=Xh := x -> piecewise(And(x>=0, x<=1), 12/7 + c3*(x-1), 0); Tf(1);P?plot([f,g], -0.2 .. 1.2);;K{ to pre-screen for values that are certainly less than I7Use a lowerbound for xCs that is expensive: you may not have an explicit formula for it, just some program that computes a value for given #AKIn many cases, it's evaluating 3<kLet's make it more efficient: add pre-screening&2QHistogram(samplePoints[accepted]);.+nops(accepted);7*qplots:-display( myPointPlot(samplePoints[accepted], yCoordinates[accepted], green, "accepted"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[rejected], yCoordinates[rejected], red, "rejected"));b&Gaccepted, rejected := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < f(samplePoints[i]), [seq(1 .. N)]):%"OyCoordinates := ysmpl *~ gvalues;%Oysmpl := Sample(Uniform(0,1), N);$Mgvalues := map(g, samplePoints);1gsamplePoints := Sample(Triangular(0,1,1), N);(Uplot([f , g ], -0.2 .. 1.2);(Uplot([f(x), g(x)], x = -0.2 .. 1.2);si### Student Exercise: Choose c2 such that the graphs of g and f are tangent somewhere strictly between 0 and 12ig := x -> piecewise(And(x>=0, x<=1), c2*x, 0);%|Oplot([f(x), 2*x], x=-0.2 .. 1.2);"xICDF(X, t^2) assuming t>0, t<1;+t[Probability(X < t^2) assuming t>0, t<1;0pePDF(Triangular(0,1,1), t) assuming t>0, t<1;*lYPDF(sqrt(X), t) assuming t > 0, t < 1;&hQX := RandomVariable(Uniform(0,1));d?plot([f,g], -0.2 .. 1.2); ` better)^WLet's make it more efficient: choose -W_plots:-display(hh, r1, transparency=0.5);,S]hh := Histogram(samplePoints[accepted]);=O}r1 := plots:-display( myPointPlot(samplePoints[rejected], yCoordinates[rejected], red, "rejected"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[accepted], yCoordinates[accepted], green, "accepted"));K-myPointPlot := proc( xvalues :: {list, rtable}, yvalues :: {list, rtable}, color, label :: {name, string}, $) Statistics:-PointPlot(yvalues, ':-xcoords' = convert(xvalues, 'list'), ':-color' = color, ':-symbolsize' = 1, ':-legend' = label); end proc;G-rejected[1..10];C-accepted[1..10];#?Knops(accepted), nops(rejected);`;Caccepted, rejected := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < f(samplePoints[i]), [seq(1..N)]): 53sgYL;* eA r / W j LB`:OFZ33_NAprobation, rejected := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < f(samplePoints[i]), probation):aJEaccepted, probation := selectremove(i -> yCoordinates[i] < h(samplePoints[i]), [seq(1..N)]):7FsyCoordinates := gvalues *~ Sample(Uniform(0,1), N);$BMgvalues := map(g, samplePoints);->_plots:-display(%, plot(g/areasum, 0..1));:=Histogram(sampleValues);B6sampleValues := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(2, op(sampleValues));U2-sampleValues := zip((t, var) -> Sample(var, rhs(t)), tally, compositeVariables);.=compositeVariables := [seq('`if`'(RandomVariable(Bernoulli(rectangleProbabilities[i])) < 1/2, triangleVariables[i], rectangleVariables[i]), i=1..nb-1)];e*MrectangleVariables := [seq(RandomVariable(Uniform(boundaries[i], boundaries[i+1])), i=1..nb-1)];.&_triangleVariables := [seq(RandomVariable(Triangular(boundaries[i], boundaries[i+1], `if`(minvalues[i] = g(boundaries[i]), boundaries[i+1], boundaries[i]))), i=1..nb-1)];6"qrectangleProbabilities := rectangleAreas /~ areas;IrectangleAreas := minvalues *~ (boundaries[2..] - boundaries[..-2]);V/plots:-display( seq( plottools:-polygon([ [boundaries[i], minvalues[i]], [boundaries[i+1], minvalues[i]], [boundaries[i+1], g(boundaries[i+1])], [boundaries[i], g(boundaries[i])]], color=colors[i]), i = 1 .. nb - 1), seq( plottools:-polygon([ [boundaries[i], minvalues[i]], [boundaries[i+1], minvalues[i]], [boundaries[i+1], 0], [boundaries[i], 0]], color=darker[i]), i = 1 .. nb - 1)); .adarker := map(ColorTools:-Darken, colors);X3minvalues := zip((b1, b2) -> min(g(b1), g(b2)), boundaries[..-2], boundaries[2..]);*Ytally := sort(Tally(pieces), key=lhs);& Qpieces := Sample(areaVariable, N);E areaVariable := RandomVariable(ProbabilityTable(probabilities));%Oprobabilities := areas / areasum;"~Iareasum := add(a, a in areas);rzgareas := [seq((boundaries[i+1] - boundaries[i]) * (g(boundaries[i+1]) + g(boundaries[i]))/2, i = 1 .. nb-1)];v;nb := nops(boundaries);irUplots:-display(seq( plottools:-polygon([ [boundaries[i], g(boundaries[i])], [boundaries[i+1], g(boundaries[i+1])], [boundaries[i+1], 0], [boundaries[i], 0]], color = colors[i]), i = 1 .. nops(boundaries)-1))cnIcolors := [seq(ColorTools:-Color("HSV", [(i+2)*(1/8), .9, .9]), i = 1 .. nops(boundaries)-1)];jCplot([f,g,h], -0.2 .. 1.2);Sf)h := unapply(piecewise( x <= boundaries[1], 0, x <= boundaries[2], tangents[1](x), x <= boundaries[3], tangents[2](x), x <= boundaries[4], chords[3](x), x <= boundaries[5], chords[4](x), 0), x);Sb)g := unapply(piecewise( x <= boundaries[1], 0, x <= boundaries[2], chords[1](x), x <= boundaries[3], chords[2](x), x <= boundaries[4], tangents[2](x), x <= boundaries[5], tangents[3](x), 0), x);'^Splot([f, op(chords)], -0.2 .. 1.2);EZ chords := zip(makechord, boundaries[ .. -2], boundaries[2 .. ]);-V_boundaries[1 .. -2], boundaries[2 .. -1];@Rboundaries := sort([op(tangentpoints), op(intersections)]);gNQintersections := [solve(tangents[1](x) = tangents[2](x)), solve(tangents[2](x) = tangents[3](x))];)JWplot([f, op(tangents)], -0.2 .. 1.2);6Fqtangents := map2(maketangent, f01, tangentpoints);!BGtangentpoints := [0, 4/9, 1];>7solve(fdouble(x), x);:7fdouble := D(fprime);6/fprime := D(f01);2=f01 := unapply(f01x, x);#.Kf01x := f(x) assuming x>0, x<1;'!upperbound!!lowerbound concave!lowerbound !upperbound convex tangent xchord,c]plot([-exp(x),ln(x), sqrt(x)], x=-2..2);!_Gplot([x^2, exp(x)], x=-2..2);)[W if its second derivative is negative Zconcave 8wi u R m T87generator:-intervals;=}plots:-display( myPointPlot(acceptedX, acceptedY, green, "accepted"), myPointPlot(probationX, probationY, blue, "probation"), myPointPlot(rejectedX, rejectedY, red, "rejected"));U-rejectedX, rejectedY := op(map[3](map, `?[]`, generator:-rejected, [[1], [2]]));X|3probationX, probationY := op(map[3](map, `?[]`, generator:-probation, [[1], [2]]));Ux-acceptedX, acceptedY := op(map[3](map, `?[]`, generator:-accepted, [[1], [2]]));/tcto N do generator:-generateValue(); end do: pEgenerator:-setup(f01, 0, 1);l generator := module() local dispatcher, f, fprime, uniform01, createInterval, splitInterval, generateChords, generateTangents, resetDispatcher; export intervals, accepted, probation, rejected, setup, generateValue; uses ST = Statistics; generateChords := proc(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, ymiddle, yright) local x; return unapply(piecewise( x < xmiddle, ((x - xleft) * ymiddle + (xmiddle - x) * yleft) / (xmiddle - xleft), ((x - xmiddle) * yright + (xright - x) * ymiddle) / (xright - xmiddle)), x); end proc; generateTangents := proc(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight) ghQhttp://www.mapleprimes.com/posts/96015-Generating-Samples-From-Custom-Probability-Distributions-IVseiThis is certainly too complicated to explain in this session. The program that does it is shown here, though: a online _ and 4]mLet's make it more efficient: automate updating 4Vmnops(accepted), nops(probation), nops(rejected); Rplots:-display( myPointPlot(samplePoints[accepted], yCoordinates[accepted], green, "accepted"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[probation], yCoordinates[probation], blue, "probation"), myPointPlot(samplePoints[rejected], yCoordinates[rejected], red, "rejected")); local x; return unapply(piecewise( x < xmiddle, yleft + derivativeLeft * (x - xleft), yright + derivativeRight * (x - xright)), x); end proc; setup := proc(ff :: appliable, a :: numeric, b :: numeric, $) local areas, fdoubleprime, i, lastpoint, derivativeLeft, pointTable, points, derivativeRight, xleft, xright, yleft, yright; if not a < b then error "invalid input, %1 expects its second argument, a, to be " "less than its third argument, but received %2 and %3", procname, a, b; end if; f := ff; fprime := D(f); fdoubleprime := D(fprime); uniform01 := ST:-Sample(ST:-RandomVariable(':-Uniform'(0, 1))); accepted, probation, rejected := Array(1..0), Array(1..0), Array(1..0); # Find all inflection points. We set them as keys in a table, # then gather them at the end. pointTable := table([b = 1]); lastpoint := a; while lastpoint <> FAIL and lastpoint < b do pointTable[lastpoint] := 1; lastpoint := RootFinding:-NextZero(fdoubleprime, lastpoint); end do; points := sort([indices(pointTable, ':-nolist')]); # Now set up the intervals in between these points. An # interval will be a record with these keys: # * xleft; the left boundary of the interval. # * xright; the right boundary of the interval. # * yleft, yright; the corresponding values of f. # * derivativeLeft, derivativeRight; the values of f' at xleft # and xright. # * lowerbound; a procedure that returns the lower bound for # points in this interval. # * upperbound; a procedure that returns the upper bound for # points in this interval. # * sample; a procedure that generates one sample value from # this interval. # * area; the total area under the upper curve defined for # this interval. intervals := Array(1 .. nops(points) - 1); xleft := points[1]; yleft := f(xleft); derivativeLeft := fprime(xleft); for i to nops(points) - 1 do xright := points[i+1]; yright := f(xright); derivativeRight := fprime(xright); intervals[i] := createInterval(xleft, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight); xleft := xright; yleft := yright; derivativeLeft := derivativeRight; end do; resetDispatcher(); return NULL; end proc; createInterval := proc(xleft, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight) local area, areas, generators, leftRectangleHeight, leftTriangleHeight, lowerbound, rightRectangleHeight, rightTriangleHeight, sample, selector, upperbound, xmiddle, ymiddle; # The intersection of the two tangents: xmiddle := (yright - yleft + derivativeLeft * xleft - derivativeRight * xright) / (derivativeLeft - derivativeRight); ymiddle := f(xmiddle); if ymiddle < ((xmiddle - xleft) * yright + (xright - xmiddle) * yleft) / (xright - xleft) then # Middle point is lower than chord: convex, so chords # define upper curve, tangents lower curve. lowerbound := generateTangents(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight); upperbound := generateChords(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, ymiddle, yright); else # Middle point is higher than chord: concave, so # tangents define upper curve, chords lower curve. lowerbound := generateChords(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, ymiddle, yright); upperbound := generateTangents(xleft, xmiddle, xright, yleft, yright, derivativeLeft, derivativeRight); # Instead of f at xmiddle, we use the intersection of # the tangents for ymiddle in the remainder of this # iteration: ymiddle := upperbound(xmiddle); end if; leftRectangleHeight := min(yleft, ymiddle); leftTriangleHeight := abs(yleft - ymiddle); rightRectangleHeight := min(ymiddle, yright); rightTriangleHeight := abs(yright - ymiddle); areas := [leftRectangleHeight * (xmiddle - xleft), leftTriangleHeight * (xmiddle - xleft)/2, rightRectangleHeight * (xright - xmiddle), rightTriangleHeight * (xright - xmiddle)/2]; generators := map(ST:-Sample @ ST:-RandomVariable, [ ':-Uniform'(xleft, xmiddle), ':-Triangular'( xleft, xmiddle, `if`(yleft > ymiddle, xleft, xmiddle)), ':-Uniform'(xmiddle, xright), ':-Triangular'( xmiddle, xright, `if`(ymiddle > yright, xmiddle, xright))]); selector := ST:-Sample(ST:-RandomVariable( ':-ProbabilityTable'(areas / add(x, x in areas)))); sample := proc() local i; i := trunc(selector(1)[1]); return generators[i](1)[1]; end proc; area := add(x, x in areas); return Record(':-xleft' = xleft, ':-xright' = xright, ':-yleft' = yleft, ':-yright' = yright, ':-derivativeLeft' = derivativeLeft, ':-derivativeRight' = derivativeRight, ':-lowerbound' = lowerbound, ':-upperbound' = upperbound, ':-sample' = sample, ':-area' = area); end proc; resetDispatcher := proc() local areas, i, sample; areas := [seq(i:-area, i in intervals)]; sample := ST:-Sample(ST:-RandomVariable(':-ProbabilityTable'( areas / add(x, x in areas)))); dispatcher := proc() return trunc(sample(1)[1]); end proc; end proc; generateValue := proc() local fx, i, interval, lowerbound, x, y; while true do i := dispatcher(); interval := intervals[i]; x := interval:-sample(); y := uniform01(1)[1] * interval:-upperbound(x); lowerbound := interval:-lowerbound(x); if y < lowerbound then accepted(rtable_num_elems(accepted) + 1) := [x, y]; return x; end if; fx := f(x); if y > fx or lowerbound < 0.9 * fx then splitInterval(i, x, fx); end if; if y < fx then probation(rtable_num_elems(probation) + 1) := [x, y]; return x; end if; rejected(rtable_num_elems(rejected) + 1) := [x, y]; end do; end proc; splitInterval := proc(i, x, fx) local xDerivative, oldInterval; xDerivative := fprime(x); oldInterval := intervals[i]; intervals[i] := createInterval( oldInterval:-xleft, x, oldInterval:-yleft, fx, oldInterval:-derivativeLeft, xDerivative); intervals(rtable_num_elems(intervals) + 1) := createInterval( x, oldInterval:-xright, fx, oldInterval:-yright, xDerivative, oldInterval:-derivativeRight); resetDispatcher(); end proc; end module: }rg\QF;0%uj_TI:* { k [ K ; +  { k [ K ; +  { k [ K ; +  { k [ K ; +  s b Q @ /   vgWH9* sdTE6&~o`PA2#zk\M=.wgXI:* scTD5&~o_PA2" 9 %  ! 8 G  7    6    5 e  4 G  3    2   1 e  0 G  /    .   - e  , G  +    *   ) e  ( G  '    &   % G  $    #   " e  ! !   e   e    !   e   G   &   %    G           G       e   e   G       e   G       e   e   G       e   G       e   e   G       e   e   G    ~  ~ e  } G|  |  {  { e  z ey  y Gx  x  w  w e  v Gu  u  t  t e  s er  r Gq  q  p  p e  o Gn  n  m  m e  l ek  k Gj  j  i  i e  h eg  g Gf  f &e  e %   d Gc  c  b  b    a G`  `  _  _ N  ^ e]  ] G\  \  [  [ N  Z GY  Y  X  X N  W eV  V GU  U  T  T N  S eR  R  !P  Q eP  P GO  O &N  N %   M GL  L  K  K    J eI  I  GF  H eG  G GF  F  E  E    D    C  B  B    A )   @  ?  >  =  <  ;  :  9  8  7  6  5   4   3  } 2  { 1  y 0  w /  u .  s -  q ,  o +  m *  k )  i (  g '  e &  c %  a $  _ #  ] "  [ !  Y   W   U   S   Q   O   M   K   I   G   E   C   A   ?   =   ;   9   7   5   3   1   /   -   +   )   '   %   #   !                   ~   }   |   {   z   y   x   w   v   u    t    s    r    q    p   onmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONML        wgXI:* sdUF6'  p a Q B 3 #   | l ] N ? /   x i Z K ; ,   u e V G 8 )  r c S C 3 $  |m^N?0!yiZK<,ufWH8) paQB3$vfVG8) rbSD5%}m]M=- %    $ `  # e  " G  !     `   #   e   #   e   #   e   e    !   e   G       `   e   G       `   e   G       `   e   G       `   e   G       `   e   G       `   e~  ~ G}  }  |  | `  { #n  z en  y #n  x en  w #n  v en  u #n  t en  s #n  r en  q ep  p  !n  o en  n Gm  m  l  l `  k ej  j Gi  i  h  h `  g eb  f #b  e eb  d  #b  c eb  b Ga  a &`  ` %  ) _ G^  ^  ]  ]   ' \ e[  [ GZ  Z  Y  Y   X eW  W GV  V  U  U   T eS  S GR  R  Q  Q   P eO  O GN  N  M  M   L eK  K GJ  J  I  I   H eG  G GF  F  E  E   D eC  C GB  B  A  A   @ G?  ?  >  >   = e<  < G;  ;  :  :   9 G8  8  7  7   6 e5  5 G4  4  3  3   2 e1  1 G0  0  /  /   . e-  - G,  ,  +  +   * #&  ) e&  (  #&  ' e&  & G%  %  $  $  #  #   " #  ! e    #   e   G               e   G   &   %  %  G         #  G        ,  e   G        *  e   G        (  e   G        &  e   G        $  e   G  ~    }  " | e  { G  z    y   x e  w G  v    u   t e  s G  r    q   p e  o G  n    m   l e  k G  j    i   h G  g    f   e e  d G  c    b   a G  `    _   ^ e  ] G  \    [   Z e  Y G  X    W   V e  U G  T    S   R e  Q G  P    O   N e  M G  L    K   J e  I G  H    G   F e  E G  D    C   B e  A G  @    ?   > e  =  #  < e  ; G  : &  whXI:+ rcTD5& ~ o ` Q B 3 $   } n _ P A 2 #   } m ^ O @ 1 "   | m ^ O ? 0 !   y j Z K < -  vfWH9) rcTE5&~o`QA2#{l]M>/ xiYJ;, ueVG8( qbSD4%      ` k  e   G       ` i  e   G       ` g  e   G       ` e  e   G       ` c  e   G~  ~  }  } ` a | e{  { Gz  z  y  y ` _ x ew  w Gv  v  u  u ` ] t es  s Gr  r  q  q ` [ p eo  o Gn  n  m  m ` Y l ek  k Gj  j  i  i ` W h eg  g Gf  f  e  e ` U d ec  c Gb  b  a  a ` S ` e_  _ G^  ^  ]  ] ` Q \ e[  [ GZ  Z  Y  Y ` O X eW  W GV  V  U  U ` M T eS  S GR  R  Q  Q ` K P eO  O GN  N  M  M ` I L eK  K GJ  J  I  I ` G H eG  G GF  F  E  E ` E D eC  C GB  B  A  A ` C @ e?  ? G>  >  =  = ` A < e;  ; G:  :  9  9 ` ? 8 e7  7 G6  6  5  5 ` = 4 e3  3 G2  2  1  1 ` ; 0 e/  / G.  .  -  - ` 9 , e+  + G*  *  )  ) ` 7 ( e'  ' G&  &  %  % ` 5 $ e#  # G"  "  !  ! ` 3  e   G       ` 1  e   G       ` /  e   G       ` -  e   G       ` +  e   G       ` )  e   G       ` '  G       ` %  e   G              F   e  ~ G  }    |    {   z  F  y e  x !  w G  v    u    t   s F  r E  q e  p G  o    n    m   l F  k e  j G  i    h    g   f  F  e e  d !  c G  b    a    `   _ F  ^ E  ] e  \ !  [ G  Z    Y    X   W F  V e  U !  T G  S    R    Q   P  F  O #  N G  M    L    K   J F  I E  H D  G  D  F D  E C` # D G  C    B ` " A e  @ G  ?    > `  = e  < G  ;    : `  9 e  8 e  7 !  6 e  5 e  4  !  3 e  2 G  1    0 `  / e  . G  -    , `  + e  * G  )    ( `  ' e  & G  whXI:+ tdUF7' p ` P @ 1 "   { l \ M > /    x h Y J ; +  t i ^ S H = 2 '    w l a V K @ 5 *   whYJ;,xiZK<-yj[L=.zk\M>/ tdTD4$|n`RD6( }o`RD6'   e  G     r  e  G     r  e  G     r  e~ ~ G} }  | | r { ez z Gy y  x x r w ev v  !t u et t Gs s &r r % q Gp p  o o  n em m  Gj l ek k Gj j  i i  h  g  f f  e ) d  c  b  a  `  _  ^  ]  \  [  Z  Y  X  W } V { U y T w S u R s Q q P o O m N k M i L g K e J c I a H _ G ] F [ E Y D W C U B S A Q @ O ? M > K = I < G ; E : C 9 A 8 ? 7 = 6 ; 5 9 4 7 3 5 2 3 1 1 0 / / - . + - ) , ' + % * # ) ! (  '  &  %  $  #  "  !                                     ~}|{zyxwvutsrqp o G  n    m   / l G  k    j   i G  h    g   f e  e G  d    c   b e  a G  `    _   ^ e  ] G  \    [   Z e  Y G  X    W   V e  U G  T    S   R e  Q G  P    O   N e  M G  L    K   J e  I G  H    G   F e  E !  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